Monday, November 8, 2010


We are so divine aren't we??  Every single cell, neuro transmitter, organ, joint, muscle... all functioning non-stop to keep us going.  And how we regenerate!  Every seven years all the cells in our bodies completely regenerate!  All so amazing...
I wanted to post just a few massage facts for those who may not know much about why they should consider a massage:
  • Massage Therapy will keep you healthy.  It has been proven to boost the white blood cell count in your body (the wbc's are the ones who come to your defense when a virus or any other foreign substance tries to enter).
  • It moves blood, much like a great cardio workout pumps blood to your heart.  Except, during a massage your heart gets to rest while reaping the benefits.
  • A massage can help reduce your stress levels!!!  Think about it people.  There is a nasty little hormone called cortisol in your body that likes to gather around your gut, it is your stress hormone.  We release so much more than we need because we are the only species who lay in bed and stress - therefore causing the same physiological response as if we were running from a tiger - ultimately overloading our systems.  Massage can help!
  • Let's not forget that a massage can help your body recover from an injury, a workout, a surgery...
  • It can help you feel better about your body.
  • It can help you relax - rest and digest.
People this is not a luxury, it is a necessity!  It is preventative medicine and it feels really good!  Yes, I love what I do... (shameless plug -

Now, on a music tip:
There is this band I have heard a few times around Miami - Elastic Bond.  DOPE!  I love their vibe - totally latin, electro chill melodies and rythmns.
Listening to a good band, a good DJ, a good song... that's feel good stuff too.  I believe music is therapeutic for sure.  I am always grateful when I hear some good tunes... music releases, relates, revives our spirit.

So, that being said I have a stay healthy and relaxed tip for today.
Put on something ambient or, if nature is playing listen to her beautiful music.  Then, find a comfortable spot to lay in and rest on your back with a bolster under your knees and neck.  I reccomend getting a couple tennis balls and shoving them in a sock and resting it under the base of your skull as a still point inducer - those sub cervical muscles work very hard all day to keep your head up and this is a great way to release them.  Then, a lavender eye pillow and a few drops of a lemongrass and eucalyptus essential oil blend in in the air.
Just lay down and relax for five to ten minutes letting the stresses of the day melt away and allowing your mind to unwind.  Give yourself a gift, be present in the present moment...

Namaste (the light in me honors and respects the light in you)

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